Hotel Parking & Transportation

Hilton Los Angeles Airport: 5711 West Century Blvd

The Hilton has underground parking for self-parking and valet.

Hotel guests will get a parking pass when they check-in as a strategicon attendee. It is good for in-out. $10 per day.

Non-hotel guests that attend the convention and park in the Hilton parking lot need to get a Strategicon parking pass. This will reduce your parking to $10 per day. No in-out privilege is available for non-guest parking. The parking ticket you received from the Hilton when you use self-parking will either need to get stamped by Strategicon at our Registration Desk or you will be given a pass to turn in with your ticket.

Valet parking for strategicon attendees is $20.

Note -- these rates and parking passes only apply for parking at the Hilton LAX.

The Hilton lot fills up quickly. While there is plenty of surrounding parking, it is typically $25 to $30 a day.

Alternative Parking

Parking Map

Prices subject to change without notice.

We have been told the lot to the north or the hotel is offering daily parking for $13.95

Two more links that may help you decide where to park. Airport Parking Reservations" is another way to book your spot in advance. LAX Available Parking offers live info on lot capacity.

Alternative Transport

For those willing to take a bus, there are some options.

To give you an idea of what's available, a map of public transit routes to LAX.