Guide to this Convention
A warm welcome to Player's Parents, Notable Novices, the Completely Confused, and anyone else interested.
We are very glad that you are considering attending this convention, and hope that you enjoy yourself. We want to state emphatically that you are in no way to feel excluded from the fun and activities going on here this weekend. We've made a special effort to see to your needs, and the environment is all set for you to enjoy yourself, make a few friends, and otherwise live some adventures with us that you'll remember for a long time.

The first and most important thing you should do is walk around and look over the whole convention. Take special notice of the Open Gaming areas and the Exhibitor Room. Then wander around and just look at everything. If anything going on there seems to pique your interest, just smile and ask someone to tell you about what they're doing. Don't worry, people ask us all the time to explain these games, and you will find that gamers on the whole are a very friendly and intelligent group, who really enjoy talking about and sharing their hobby as much as anyone else. Don't be surprised if they offer you an "instant" game lesson, and even invite you to play! You may wish to jump in and have some fun; after all, this is the stuff that good times and friendships are made of!

The convention itself has many ongoing activities which you may wish to investigate, such as Seminars, Auctions, and Demonstrations, but most importantly there are Game Tournaments. Many of you are already familiar with such popular family games as Monopoly, Risk, and Trivial Pursuit, so we urge you not to be shy, and to go ahead and sign up at the Board Game Registration Desk for a round of whatever game you might already enjoy playing with your friends. You'll find that there are many beginners in these very popular tournaments, just like you.

Another section of Adventure Gaming that you'll enjoy is the Card Game division. These games include the fast, riotous action card games Nuclear War, Uno, and Modern Naval Battles. For a thoroughly enriching and engrossing gaming experience, nothing can compare with Ticket to Ride. Each of these games can be easily taught to you in about 10 minutes, and your teachers can be found just about any time in the Open Gaming area or the tournament rooms 15 minutes prior to the start of their tournaments. Just look for someone with a copy of the game, and ask him to teach you! You'll be glad to hear that new players have a good chance of beating even the most experienced veteran in these free-wheeling fun games.

We, who have brought you these fine Strategicon Adventure Gaming Conventions for the past 25 years, have worked hard to assure that the opportunity is here for you to have lots of fun in the gaming hobby. If you have any questions or suggestions, please stroll over to the Registration Desk / Convention Headquarters and a friendly staff person will see to your needs. It is, admittedly, our hobby, and we do love it. One thing better than gaming, though, is sharing our games with new friends. Won't you join us? Okay, we're with you. The next move is yours...
The following events are based on widely known "family" games:
- Acquire
- Apples to Apples
- Cribbage
- Dominoes
- Hearts
- Liar's Dice
- Monopoly
- Poker
- Risk
- Spades
- Ticket to Ride
- Trivial Pursuit
This second group of game events for your consideration are of the "card game" or "picture book" variety. These are games that can be learned by a brief at-the-convention lesson from an experienced player (who can usually be found in the tournament room about a half-hour before the event begins). These are also very popular in the Open Gaming areas, so you'll find plenty of teachers and make a new friend.
- Family Business
- Guillotine
- Modern Naval Battles
- Nuclear War
- Phase 10
- Uno
The rest of the tournaments require some familiarity with the rules, or are best left to more experienced players.