Miniatures Painting Contest
Bring your figure(s) for any of the categories listed below. Entries will be accepted beginning at 10:00 am Saturday until noon Sunday in the Miniatures Hall (International Ballroom A). Judging will take place at 2:00 pm on Sunday. miniatures can be picked up after 4pm. Prizes for up to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in each category will be awarded. Each Judge will also select a 'Judge's Choice' award.

- Fantasy Single
- Fantasy Unit
- Fantasy Large
- Science Fiction Single
- Science Fiction Unit
- Science Fiction Large
- Historical Single
- Historical Unit
- Historical Large
- Open
- Strategikids
- Strategiteens
- Single: All single 25 mm-35 mm human-sized and smaller models. Model should be on an appropriately sized base. The majority of miniatures fit into this size range. The upper limit may reasonably include things such as an orc on a boar (fantasy), Space Marine Terminator (science fiction), and mounted cavalry (historical). Judges reserve the right to move entries intended for the Single category to Large.
- Unit: Groups of two to twelve miniatures grouped together as a cohesive unit. Entry should follow legal games system rules where available. It is suggested you use some form of tray for loose units but is not required.
- Large: All miniatures larger than a normal 28 mm human-sized model. This may include models such as dragons (fantasy), tanks and similar vehicles (science fiction and historical), and large-scale models.
- Strategikids: For contestants 12 years of age and under. Any model of any scale may be entered. This is intended for beginning painters.
- Strategiteens: For contestants 13 to 17 years of age. Any model of any scale may be entered. This is intended for intermediate painters.
- Open: Entry can be anything from a single model straight out of the package to a sweeping diorama with dozens of figures. Have dueling dragons, blow-up tanks, or a completely scratch-built model? This is where it goes. The only restriction is that entries can be no larger than 18" x 18" x 18".
- Entries must be submitted in person by the painter and must be the work of the painter submitting them, or else be disqualified.
- You may not enter any miniature that has previously won any type of prize or award in any other competition.
- Only one (1) entry per category per person. An entry may be refused if it is too large.
- If there are not enough entries in a category, the judges reserve the right to cancel that category. An entry may be moved to a different qualifying category between 1:00 and 4:00 p.m. on Sunday if the original category has been canceled. Check back after 1:00 p.m. Sunday to confirm category status.
- You must have a full-con or one-day badge to enter the contest.
- All entries must be in good taste and are subject to disqualification if the judges decide that any common rule has been violated.
- Display bases are not considered for purposes of size restrictions or for judging of the miniature itself. Conversions and base scenics may contribute overall to a miniature's ranking but are not the primary consideration for judging. Judges will rank entries based on painting technique, neatness, skill in execution, coherent color scheme, and overall appearance. The judging team consists of notable artists in the miniature-painting community who are well versed in the craft, and their decisions are final.
- The greatest care will be afforded to all entries, by staff who share a passion for the miniature-painting hobby, but Strategicon staff, volunteers, and judges cannot be held responsible for damaged or lost miniatures. We will do our best to ensure the safety of all entries.
- All entries must be reclaimed by 12:00 noon Monday. Entries must be reclaimed by the person submitting them unless plans have been established and approved beforehand. ID will be required.
- All entries will be photographed, and submission into the competition indicates permission for Strategicon to use such images for any purpose, including posting to the online photo gallery.